Faster Emacs Window Switching Inside a Frame

I needed something to speed up my work when I have few windows, I was looking at switch-window.el, but it kind of silly that the content of the window disappear. So I’ve written this simple 2 functions which act similar to my other sollution Faster buffer bookmarking in Emacs. But you mark window to which you want to jump.

It set Keyboard C-c C-0 for mark and C-C C-<1-9> to jump.

(setq window-alist '())

(defun mark-window (number)
  "Give current window a number to select it later using `switch-to-number-window'"
  (interactive "nNumber Your Window: ")
  (let ((pair (assoc number window-alist))
        (window (get-buffer-window)))
    (if pair
        (setf (cdr pair) window)
      (add-to-list 'window-alist (cons number window)))))

(defun switch-to-number-window (number)
  "Jump to the window  marked with a `mark-window' function"
  (interactive "nNumber Your Window: ")
  (let ((pair (assoc number window-alist)))
    (if pair
        (select-window (cdr pair))
      (message "Invalid Number"))))

;; create 9 keyboard shortcuts using closure (forced using lexical-let)
(dolist (i (map #'1+ (range 9)))
    (global-set-key (read-kbd-macro (concat "C-c C-"
                                            (number-to-string i)))
                    (lexical-let ((i i))
                      (lambda ()
                        (switch-to-number-window i)))))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-0") 'mark-window)

It use range helper function (same as in python)

(defun range (n &optional list)
  "function return list of numbers from 1 to n"
  (if (eq n 0)
    (let ((n (- n 1)))
      (range n (cons n list)))))

EDIT: I just found windmove commands which are much better.