How to install Gnash from source on Fedora

Gnash was removed from Fedora so the only way to have it, is to install it from source, here is instruction how to do this:

Installing Depenecies

Depenecies that can be installed from Fedora repositories

Some of them are from RPM fustion so you need to install that repository.
Here are instruction how to do this.

sudo dnf install swftools haxe dejagnu csound boost-devel SDL-devel \
gstreamer-plugins-base-devel gstreamer-devel speexdsp-devel \
speex-devel jemalloc-devel

Then to install app-devel adn swfmill packages you need to add Sphere RPM repo

sudo dnf install ""

You can change Fedora 27 to your version of Fedora (for Fedora 29, repo file with version 28 also works)

sudo dnf install agg-devel swfmill

Then you need to install one library from source. libming is also missing in Fedora:

git clone --depth 1
cd libming
sudo make install

if you get error because of missing yacc/bison and lex/flex use:

sudo dnf install bison flex

Installing Gnash

Then main part which is installing gnash, First you need to install dependencies:

sudo dnf install libjpeg-devel giflib-devel gtk2-devel curl-devel

Unfortunately you will not be able to use RTMP streaming becasue curl is build without support for it. If you need this you can try to build curl from source.

then clone the git repo:

git clone git:// --depth 1
cd gnash



Then you need to execute this command from gnash directory:

sed -i -e 's/${JEMALLOC_CONFIG} --cxxflags/${JEMALLOC_CONFIG} --cppflags/' configure

In configure script there was an error from jemalloc-config command, it was executed with
--cxxflags option. Probably option got removed, it’s now --cppflags or maybe that’s only on Fedora.
This was causing that Makefiles was broken.

then you need to run configure:

./configure --disable-npapi --prefix=/usr

by default make will install gnash in /usr/local and if you’re using lightspark it will
not find gnash, so we use prefix option to install it in /usr directory.

I’ve used this config option --disable-npapi since AFAIK FireFox and Chrome don’t
support NPAPI anymore and there are no xulrunner package in Fedora.

Then you need to execute this command:

sed -i 's/<jemalloc.h>/<jemalloc\/jemalloc.h>/' libbase/jemalloc_gnash.c

that will fix error in one if the c files.

now you can run build and install gnash:

make && sudo make install

You should be able to run swf files using gnash now.

Tested on Fedora 27 and Fedora 29.

How backup partition on Linux with progress bar from command line

On GNU/Linux you can do everything from command line. The same goes to copy whole partition to a file. You can use powerful dd command to save your partition to a file. You can also use pv to show progress bar. Here is useful function that will backup your partition (device) to a file with progress bar (you need sudo to access device):

function backup() {
    sudo dd if=$1 | pv -s $(sudo blockdev --getsize64 $1) | bzip2 -9f > $2

and you can use this function like this:

backup /dev/sda1 /home/me/part.img.bz2

You can create similar function for restoring the partition:

function restore() {
    bunzip2 -dc $1 | pv -s $(ls -l $1 | cut -d' ' -f5) | dd of=$2

and you can use this function similar to backup (but the file is first and device second):

restore /home/me/part.img.bz2 /dev/sda1

NOTE: using dd can damage your partition, use it with caution.

How to replace tabs by spaces in whole codebase?

I’ve stared working on a project on github, written in php, that have mixed spaces and tabs for indent, I’m using GNU/Linux so I thought that I just replace all tabs by spaces using bash. Here is the command I’ve used that just did that:

find . -type f -name '*.php' | while read file; do
     grep $'\t' $file > /dev/null && sed -ie 's/\t/    /g' $file


  • find . -type f -name '*.php' – this will search for all files with php extension, in current directory. I’ve used -type f to return only files since there where directories that end with php.
  • while read file; do ... done – while loop over files found by find, the filename will be in file variable
  • grep $'\t' $file > /dev/null – this will return true if file contain tabs
  • & & execute next command if previous is true
  • sed -ie 's/\t/ /g' $file – replace tabs by spaces in file inline (-i option)

How to backup 8GB file or larger on fat32 from linux

I have external USB hard drive that use Fat32 (so I can use it on windows machine as well on GNU/Linux). I needed to reinstall my OS (Xubuntu) and repartition the disk, so I need to copy all my files to external drive. But I’ve got 15GB virtualbox file.

On GNU/Linux or MacOS X you can use standard tools to split the file and then merge it back.

Here is a code that will compress and create 4GB chunks.

tar czvf file.tar.gz directory/
split -b $(echo "4*(2^30)-1" | bc) --verbose file.tar.gz file.tar.gz-

it will create files like file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab that can be copy to Fat32 partition because they are smaller then 4GB (2^30 is 1GB in bytes).

to merge those files together you can just cat them

cat file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab > file.tar.gz

if you want to see progress bar you can use pv command. This is the smallest way I came up with to do this:

cat file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab | pv -s $(ls -l file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab | cut -d' ' -f5 | tr '\n' '+' | sed -e 's/+$//' -e 's/.*/echo -n $(( & ))/' | bash) > file.tar.gz

Here is a function that can be put into .bashrc file

function cat-pv () {
    cat $@ | pv -s $(ls -l $@ | cut -d' ' -f5 | tr '\n' '+' | sed -e 's/+$//' -e 's/.*/echo -n $(( & ))/' | bash)

Here I found shorter way to calculate size of list of files it use awk:

ls -lrt | awk '{ total += $5 }; END { print total }'

So the function can be strink to

function cat-pv () {
     cat $@ | pv -s $(ls -lrt $@ | awk '{ total += $5 }; END { print total }')

Shell without ssh or root on your shared hosting

My site is on shared hosting that don’t have ssh, and I wanted to have a shell access, so using my jQuery Terminal, I’ve stared a project leash. It’s a shell written in javascript with help from php and python cgi. It will give you a shell access, no need to install any new software, and you don’t need to be root (like with other shells like shell in a box, AjaxTerm or Buterfly).

How to have access to a shell without ssh or telnet using jQuery terminal

If you have, like I do, a virtual server on hosting service, that support cgi but don’t have access to a shell and php have passthru disabled you still can have access to a shell, even if you can’t install anything on that machine – like anyterm.

There is this project, which I did, called jQuery terminal, that emulate a Unix terminal. All you need is interpreter that will execute shell commands.

Lots of hosting services disable php passthru but leave cgi script, so if you have them you can create simple shell like this one:

UPDATE: If you don’t want to code it yourself (or look at working solution), you can check my project LEASH – Browser Shell. You if you prefer there is also available single file Shell using same library.

echo -en "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
query=$(/usr/bin/python -c "import urllib; print urllib.unquote_plus('$QUERY_STRING')")
eval $query 2>&1

I use python subprocess to decode QUERY_STRING. Probably it can be done using some Unix tools.

On my server I use Python CGI script like this one:.

import cgi
import subprocess as sub

    from json import dumps as json_serialize
except ImportError:
    def json_serialize(obj):
        result = ''
        t = type(obj)
        if t == types.StringType:
            result += '"%s"' % obj.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n')
        elif t == types.NoneType:
            result += 'null'
        elif t == types.IntType or t == types.FloatType:
            result += str(obj)
        elif t == types.LongType:
            result += str(int(obj))
        elif t == types.TupleType:
            result += '[' + ','.join(map(json_serialize, list(obj))) + ']'
        elif t == types.ListType:
            result += '[' + ','.join(map(json_serialize, obj)) + ']'
        elif t == types.DictType:
            array = ['"%s":%s' % (k,json_serialize(v)) for k,v in obj.iteritems()]
            result += '{' + ','.join(array) + '}'
            result += '"unknown type - ' + type(obj).__name__ + '"'
        return result

class Singleton(object):
    __single = None
    def __init__(self):
        Singleton.__single = self

    def __new__(cls):
        if Singleton.__single:
            return Singleton.__single
            return super(Singleton, cls).__new__(cls)

class Form(Singleton):
    def __init__(self):
        self.form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self.form.getvalue(name)

def execv(command, path):
    command = 'cd %s && %s && pwd 1>&2' % (path, command)
    proc = sub.Popen(['/bin/bash', '-c', command],
                     stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE)
    stderr =[:-1]
    stdout =[:-1]
    if not os.path.exists(stderr):
        raise Exception(stdout, stderr)
    return {
        "cwd": stderr,
        "stdout": re.sub('.\x08', '', stdout)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Content-Type: text/plain"
    form = Form()
    if token() == form['token']:
        response = {}
            response['result'] = execv(form['command'], form['path'])
        except Exception, e:
            response['error'] = e.args[1]
            response['result'] = {'stdout': e.args[0], 'cwd': form['path']}
            response['error'] = None
        response = {'error': 'You are not authorized', 'result': None}

You have enabled passthru in php you can write your shell in php.

Now when you have access to a shell you need to setup interface using jQuery terminal.

<html xmlns="">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link href="terminal/css/jquery.terminal.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    .terminal a.ui-slider-handle:focus { outline: none; }
    body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
    html { background-color: #000; }
    .clear { clear: both; }
    /* This works only in Safari and Google Chrome */
    @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
        .terminal, .terminal .terminal-output, .terminal .terminal-output div,
        .terminal .terminal-output div div, .cmd, .terminal .cmd span, .terminal .cmd div {
            font-weight: bold;
$(function() {
    var pwd, last_dir, home_dir;
    var terminal = $('#shell').terminal(function(command, term) {
        if (command.replace(/^ *(.*) *$/, '$1') == '-') {
            pwd = last_dir;
        $.post("/cgi-bin/", {
            token: term.token(),
            command: command.replace(/(\\)?~/, function($0,$1) {
                return $1 ? $0 : home_dir;
            path: pwd
        }, function(response) {
            pwd = response.result.cwd;
    }, {
        login: function(user, password, authenticate) {
            $.post("/cgi-bin/", {
                user: user,
                password: password
            }, function(token) {
                if (token) {
                    home_dir = pwd = last_dir = '/home/ + user;
        prompt: function(callback) {
            var username = terminal.login_name();
            var re = new RegExp("^" + '/home/' + username);
            var username = '[[;#44D544;]' + username + ']';
            var path = '[[;#5555FF;]' + pwd.replace(re, '~') + ']';
            callback(username + '[[;#989898;]:]' + path + '[[;#989898;]$] ');
        name: 'shell'
        overflow: 'auto'

    $(window).resize(function() {
       terminal.css('height', $(window).height()-20);

  <div id="shell"></div>

Concatenate files with progress bar on GNU/Linux

When I download files form rapidshare or other file hosting sites I occasionally download movies that are splited into parts, and to watch the movie they need to be concatenated.

I came up with this bash function which I put in my .bashrc file:

function concat() {
  cat $files | pv -s $(du -cb $files | tail -n1 | cut -d $'\t' -f1) > ${@: -1}

If you have files like Movie.avi.001…Movie.avi.020, to concatenate these files just type:

concat Movie.avi.* Movie.avi

And you’ll see progress bar when output file is created.

[Ruby] Wyświetlanie definicji ze “Słownika Wyrazów Obcych Kopalinskiego”

To jest kod skryptu w Ruby do wyświetlania definicji ze “Słownika Wyrazów Obcych Kopalińskiego”. Pobierz plik kopalinski.rb.

Żeby użyć tego skryptu musisz mieć zainstalowanego Ruby-ego.

W terminalu wpisz:

kopalinski.rb Słownik

Skrypt wyświetli definicje słowa “Słownik”. Jeśli w słowniku Kopalińskiego nie ma jakiegoś słowa skrypt nie wyświetla nic.

UWAGA: Strona kopaliński online dawno nie działa, ale udało mi się zarchiwizować wszystkie hasła w bazie sqlite: przy czym dane mogą naruszać pawa autorskie, więc używaj jej na własne ryzyko. Przepraszam ale kod, który pobrał dane jest napisany w Pythonie. Kopia strony jest w, ale z oczywistych powodów (brak kodu serwera) wyszukiwarka nie działa. A indeks z lisą haseł jest uszkodzony.

JQuery Terminal Emulator Plugin

My new project JQuery Terminal Emulator. It’s a plug-in which can be used to add Command Line interface to your application. You can use it to easily create server configuration tool or can be help in debugging or testing server side of AJAX applications. You can put lots of options in one place.

You can create command line interface to JSON-RPC in one line of code. Just set the path to rpc service.


If you want to use authentication.

$('body').terminal("json-rpc-service.php", {

And when user type user and password it will call login rpc method, get the token and pass that token to all methods on the server when user type command. So when user type for example add-user foo it will call json-rpc add-user with parameters [token, “foo”, “”].

Really strange thing with Fedora

Recently I’ve create icons for GTK and I’ve notice strange thing. If you put this comment:

    icon is vector   for gtk

    Copyright  (c)

    You should have received a copy  the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <<.


In svg file between xml prolog and svg root node, the file will not display in Nautilus. The same things is with icons.

here is link to example file.

This was tested on Fedora 14 64bit liveCD on VirtualBox