How to refresh the coverage badge in github README after coverage change

In my project jQuery Terminal I commited a change that make coverage was changed from 79% to 80% (the project is using jasmine, travis and coveralls service) but my badge in README still was showing 79%, even after removing cache. I’ve fixed the issue by adding md5 hash (I know it have been broken, but we don’t use anything secure here) of the spec file after url of my badge, so each time I add something to spec file I’ve get different url, so github wont cache the file.

I’m using make as my build script and I have two README files. Source with .in extension and result with .md extension so I’ve put another variable (I’m already using BRANCH and VERSION in README):

and in my Makefile I’ve added:

SPEC_CHECKSUM=`md5sum spec/terminalSpec.js | cut -d' ' -f 1` .$(VERSION)
    $(SED) -e "s/{{VER}}/$(VERSION)/g" -e "s/{{BRANCH}}/$(BRANCH)/g" -e "s/{{CHECKSUM}}/$(SPEC_CHECKSUM)/" < >

This is simplification, actually I have more code, you can see in my Makefile

if you have more then one spec file you can use this to generate checksum

SPEC_CHECKSUM=`cat spec/*.js | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f 1`

This will also work if you have different language and different build system.

How to replace tabs by spaces in whole codebase?

I’ve stared working on a project on github, written in php, that have mixed spaces and tabs for indent, I’m using GNU/Linux so I thought that I just replace all tabs by spaces using bash. Here is the command I’ve used that just did that:

find . -type f -name '*.php' | while read file; do
     grep $'\t' $file > /dev/null && sed -ie 's/\t/    /g' $file


  • find . -type f -name '*.php' – this will search for all files with php extension, in current directory. I’ve used -type f to return only files since there where directories that end with php.
  • while read file; do ... done – while loop over files found by find, the filename will be in file variable
  • grep $'\t' $file > /dev/null – this will return true if file contain tabs
  • & & execute next command if previous is true
  • sed -ie 's/\t/ /g' $file – replace tabs by spaces in file inline (-i option)

How to backup 8GB file or larger on fat32 from linux

I have external USB hard drive that use Fat32 (so I can use it on windows machine as well on GNU/Linux). I needed to reinstall my OS (Xubuntu) and repartition the disk, so I need to copy all my files to external drive. But I’ve got 15GB virtualbox file.

On GNU/Linux or MacOS X you can use standard tools to split the file and then merge it back.

Here is a code that will compress and create 4GB chunks.

tar czvf file.tar.gz directory/
split -b $(echo "4*(2^30)-1" | bc) --verbose file.tar.gz file.tar.gz-

it will create files like file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab that can be copy to Fat32 partition because they are smaller then 4GB (2^30 is 1GB in bytes).

to merge those files together you can just cat them

cat file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab > file.tar.gz

if you want to see progress bar you can use pv command. This is the smallest way I came up with to do this:

cat file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab | pv -s $(ls -l file.tar.gz-aa file.tar.gz-ab | cut -d' ' -f5 | tr '\n' '+' | sed -e 's/+$//' -e 's/.*/echo -n $(( & ))/' | bash) > file.tar.gz

Here is a function that can be put into .bashrc file

function cat-pv () {
    cat $@ | pv -s $(ls -l $@ | cut -d' ' -f5 | tr '\n' '+' | sed -e 's/+$//' -e 's/.*/echo -n $(( & ))/' | bash)

Here I found shorter way to calculate size of list of files it use awk:

ls -lrt | awk '{ total += $5 }; END { print total }'

So the function can be strink to

function cat-pv () {
     cat $@ | pv -s $(ls -lrt $@ | awk '{ total += $5 }; END { print total }')

Shell without ssh or root on your shared hosting

My site is on shared hosting that don’t have ssh, and I wanted to have a shell access, so using my jQuery Terminal, I’ve stared a project leash. It’s a shell written in javascript with help from php and python cgi. It will give you a shell access, no need to install any new software, and you don’t need to be root (like with other shells like shell in a box, AjaxTerm or Buterfly).

Concatenate files with progress bar on GNU/Linux

When I download files form rapidshare or other file hosting sites I occasionally download movies that are splited into parts, and to watch the movie they need to be concatenated.

I came up with this bash function which I put in my .bashrc file:

function concat() {
  cat $files | pv -s $(du -cb $files | tail -n1 | cut -d $'\t' -f1) > ${@: -1}

If you have files like Movie.avi.001…Movie.avi.020, to concatenate these files just type:

concat Movie.avi.* Movie.avi

And you’ll see progress bar when output file is created.